Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Brought to you by Into Film and Paramount Pictures UK, Wonder Park: Imagination and Invention is a cross-curricular educational resource for use with learners aged 7 to 11. The resource challenges learners to become designers and engineers, planning and constructing theme park rides that not only demonstrate a scientific understanding of forces, but that also develop an understanding of environmental awareness and the impact of theme parks upon the ecosystem.
Developed with support from the Royal Academy of Engineering, this resource combines curriculum skills from science, design and technology, maths, PSHE education, art and design and literacy/English. Pupils will develop engineering skills through the practical experience of ‘tinkering’, improving problem solving, developing resilience, drawing on a range of skills from different curricular areas, and being rewarded for curiosity and creativity.
This exciting series of lessons also develops mindfulness skills and concludes with pupils constructing and showcasing their own theme park as a class, in addition to completing homework tasks that promote independence and ecological awareness.
It takes an enormous amount of skill and hard work to make a film, and we believe that this creative process should be understood, valued and respected. We want to ensure that young people understand the connection between a finished film and the creators’ intellectual property, as well as be aware of the consequences of illegal downloading and video piracy.
Watch the film See What You Did with your students before completing the activity sheet.
What is intellectual property?
Copyright and intellectual property (IP) sits at the foundation of all film production. It gives creators confidence that they own their work, and that they will be entitled to manage the distribution of the finished product.
By striking a balance between the interests of creatives and the wider public, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.
Here at Into Film, we support the collective efforts of the film industry and UK government to raise awareness of issues relating to copyright infringement. To achieve this, we are proud to be partnering with Cinema First, the Industry Trust for Intellectual Property (IP) Awareness, Intellectual Property Office and other cross-industry partners.
We want to open up the world of film production to young people and give them opportunities to make their own films, whilst empowering them to make positive choices when accessing films online. Our suite of resources aim to educate young people to respect intellectual property in three ways:
By encouraging them to become creators themselves, thereby understanding the inherent principles of copyright and the value of work
Demonstrating our belief that the emotional impact and enjoyment derived from watching a film is a tangible reason to pay to see it legally
Teaching them about the multifaceted nature of the filmmaking process, through projects such as Creating Movie Magic and Green Light to Opening Night
For information on legally accessing films both at home and in the cinema, visit
For information on copyright and schools visit
For more resources around respect for intellectual property visit
With the holidays approaching, it’s the perfect time to celebrate multiculturalism and explore the different types of religious and cultural celebrations from around the world, using our new assembly resource.
This resource is for teachers to use in assembly and classroom scenarios with students aged 9 to 14. There are a number of extension activities where the themes within the films can be explored further.
The themes covered include multiculturalism and celebrations around the world that young people can experience. This assembly uses film clips to explore the reasons for a variety of cultural celebrations, and how young people in films deal with celebrations linked to religious and cultural rites of passage. Download the accompanying Cultural perspectives assembly PowerPoint presentation at the following link:
For information on how to start an Into Film club and rent DVDs for free, please visit
Being able to speak and write persuasively is an important cross-curricular skill. Film can bring the power of speech to life, through an examination of the situations where being able to effectively make yourself heard can effect change.
This resource examines some great real-life orators from history through film, such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Muhammed Ali and Lord Mansfield. It has clear links to the English curriculum for 11-16-year old students and the new GCSE English Language, where the effects of language can be considered, as well as the importance of delivery, gesture and tone. This resource also has cross-curricular relevance to drama, history and PSHE.
Black Star is the British Film Institute’s autumn 2016 celebration of the range, versatility and power of black actors on film and TV taking place nationwide and we’re delighted to be complementing their season with a programme of relevant films that resonate with our audience of 5-19 year olds. Embracing the BFI’s direction of illuminating on-screen talent, the films selected for use in this resource feature contemporary British stars of black heritage as well as actors from the African diaspora and throughout film history that demonstrate a real range and depth of storytelling.
Managing Conflict: Essential Life Skills Through Production Coordination
Through film extracts and role-play activities, this interactive PSHE session engages pupils with the themes of managing conflict and maintaining healthy relationships. It also introduces pupils to the film industry role of a Production Coordinator. As well as developing essential life skills, learners also have the opportunity to practise their proofreading: skills integral to the work of a Production Coordinator.
This session is aimed for pupils aged 7-14 and designed for flexible delivery in a variety of contexts: in subject-specific lessons, specific careers lessons, or during a film club.
Watch the careers video below and download the free resource to inspire your pupils and help broaden their understanding of future job roles available to them.
For more resources on using film and filmmaking in educational settings and to set up an Into Film Club, please visit the Into Film website:
P.E. Skills in Action: From School to Stunt Performer
Control, balance, flexibility and strength are skills that are fundamental to a pupil’s development in Physical Education (P.E.). These are also key attributes for stunt performers. This resource will help develop your pupils’ understanding of these key terms, through an active and creative physical lesson. Through creating, performing and developing movements, pupils are also encouraged to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the breadth of job roles available in the creative and screen industries, including stunts.
This resource is aimed for use with pupils aged 7-14 and designed for flexible delivery in a variety of contexts: in subject-specific lessons, specific careers lessons, or during an Into Film Club.
Download this free resource to inspire your pupils and help broaden their understanding of future job roles available to them
This resource produced in partnership with the UK Cinema Association (UKCA) will help young people aged 7 to 14 to develop an understanding of cinemas and how they are developed to suit the
needs of their customers. These activities will help young people to develop an understanding of the key transferable skills that are required, the breadth of roles available and the potential opportunities that are available for them within the exhibition sector. Advice and pathways into a career in cinema exhibition is provided in the factsheet including information on the Cinema Operative apprenticeship.
The resource is split into five sections and the first four explore a role within the cinema exhibition industry and provides young people with theopportunity to participate in a practical activity that will introduce them to the types of issues that they can face and which they will need to use their essential life skills and business skills to tackle. Each activity also has an extension activity which will challenge learners to explore the role and the industry in more depth. There are also slide notes that explain the specifics of the exhibition industry for your reference. The final section is an opportunity that allows young people to think about the skills that they have used in each activity and where they can apply it in their lives.
This resource comprises of this teachers’ notes document which explains the activity outlines and includes worksheets for you to duplicate and use with your group. The accompanying Careers in Film: Exhibition - Cinema landscape PowerPoint presentation includes;
• an embedded clip of an exclusive interview with a current cinema
exhibition industry professional
• explanations of activities for students
• additional information and useful links in the slide notes
• case studies of industry professionals and their routes into the industry.
This resource produced in partnership with the UK Cinema Association (UKCA) will help young people aged 7 to 14 to develop an understanding of cinema design and how they are developed to suit the needs of their customers. These activities will help young people to develop an understanding of the key transferable skills that are required, the breadth of roles available and the potential opportunities that are available for them within the exhibition sector. Advice and pathways into a career in cinema exhibition is provided in the factsheet including information on the Cinema Operative apprenticeship.
This resource explores a role within the cinema exhibition industry and provides young people with the opportunity to participate in a practical activity that will introduce them to the types of issues that they can face and which they will need to use their essential life skills and business skills to tackle. Each activity also has an extension activity which will challenge learners to explore the role and the industry in more depth. There are also slide notes that explain the specifics of the exhibition industry for your reference. The final section is a reflection that allows young people to think about the skills that they have used in each activity and they can apply it to their lives.
It comprises of this teachers’ notes document which explains the activity outlines and includes worksheets for you to duplicate and use with your group.
The accompanying Careers in Film: Exhibition Cinema design PowerPoint presentation includes;
• an embedded clips of an exclusive interview with a current cinema exhibition industry professional
�� explanations of activities for students
• additional information and useful links in the slide notes
The activities can be used as a teaching sequence or specific activities can be cherry-picked and used with your learners. They are suitable for use in a film club setting to explore the industry in more depth with members, as an activity in tutor time or to support careers-focused activities in school.
hese activities form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the activity sheets. For more information, visit
February is LGBT History Month. Through the questions, issues and ideas raised in a selection of films this assembly supports young people to discuss the impact and limitations of the 1967 Sexual Offences Act as the first step on the continuing journey towards equal rights for LGBT people. The resource is primarily for use as an assembly, but can be adapted for use in a lesson or Into Film Club session, and contains some suggested activities to take learning further. The presentation contains clips and stimulus questions from The Imitation Game (2014, 12), Rebel Without a Cause (1955, PG), Victim (1961, 12), Pride (2014, 15) and G.B.F (2013, 15), interviews with the cast of Pride, youth made short Proud and stimulus questions and discussion points to enable students to analyse these films within the context of the LGBT History Month 2017 themes.
Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at
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This resource focuses on the theme of body image and as pupils explore the films in this resource they will gain greater understanding of some of the different social and emotional issues that surround body image, how to be comfortable in the skin you are in and why to never judge a book by its cover.
By watching films on this topic, you can lead discussions with your learners on the themes and subjects broached and offer young people the opportunity to discuss these issues with their peers. The six handpicked films in this resource are accompanied by synopses, educators’ notes and questions to help guide discussions.